
Why blog?

So my brief "about me" blurb gives a little insight into who I am and why I'm blogging... something I genuinely never thought I would do. I don't necessarily think I have a perspective that is so vastly different from anyone else's. However, I do think that I am living a life most people couldn't imagine, especially at my age when so much is uncertain. I'm 24, only 2 years out of college (I went to FIT in New York for textile/surface design). I've been working for a company since graduating where I also interned for 2 years while in school... I'm quickly approaching a total of 5 years in one studio! I genuinely love my job. It can of course be stressful and in light of the economic situation I am the only designer left from a department of 3. That doesn't sound so major but to be heading a design division at my age with no outside experience is pretty astonishing and it's a situation I doubt would happen for me anywhere else. As a young textile designer with no means of funding her own design endeavours I am quite restricted in terms of job locale. Unless I wanted to move to the midwest and work for an enormous company with a sprawling "campus", I pretty much have to stay in NYC. I grew up on Long Island (western LI, think queens more than the hamptons), I went to college in the city, I work near the Flatiron building, and I've had plenty of time to realize that I do NOT want to live in Manhattan. Or any of it's boroughs for that matter. Don't get me wrong I love New York and especially Brooklyn, but I also like to leave it. So when my parents put my childhood home on Long Island on the market (little did we know that market was about to plumit!) I made the very hard decision to leave everything I know and all of my closest friends on a whim. A whim I could not ignore. If I did not try moving upstate on my own I would always wonder. So I came up to Beacon... and I have never been so happy with a decision in my life. I basically found Beacon by driving through it. From there I thought it had potential and I started doing my own research. My younger sister (going to FIT for package design) and a friend hopped on board and in the past year we have met people and are experiencing things we never imagined. My situation is not so unique in that I am 24 with a job in the city but that I am 24 and I am willing to commute 2 hours to and from my job to live away from the city many people can't bear to leave. This little blog is going to be where I post about my experiences and adventures up and down the Hudson Valley as well as my favorite design finds (mostly for the home). I use my trusty iPhone frequently for picture taking so you'll see alot of my daily photos. I am unfortunately a true sucker for an awesome sunset so you'll probably get a glimpse of that also. I'm hoping that having this blog keeps me more connected to the area of design I love the most, which is the handmade with love and purpose genre... hopefully this will force me to make time for my weaving and other crafty ventures! Happy reading : )

PS- I will never write a post this long again... promise!

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